Turo is an international business, headquartered in San Francisco, but it was founded in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Just a few miles up the road is Concord, where Emerson’s famous “shot heard around the world” kicked off the Revolutionary War with the Battle of Concord. Those militia skirmishes in 1775 put this nation on the road toward a unique set of charters that secure our liberty and give the citizens the power over their government: the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
We really don’t talk enough about the United States Constitution
After drafting the Constitution, the framers realized that while it created a dazzling model for a vibrant representative and democratically elected government, it didn’t really spell out the specific rights of the citizens of this new nation. Enter the Bill of Rights. With these first 10 Amendments to the Constitution, Americans were granted the rights and powers we invoke every day without a thought. Things like: due process, states’ rights, and prohibition of unreasonable search and seizure.
“To petition the government…”
But probably the most famous part of the Bill of Rights is the First Amendment. This is the provision that says:
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
Right there, in the last few words, is an incredible right guaranteed to every American – the right to petition the government. This means that Americans can ask their elected representatives to vote a certain way, pass or oppose legislation, and command them to solve problems and create opportunities for their communities. Today Americans can call, email, or write to their representatives (or Tweet, Periscope, or Snapchat) to make sure their voices are heard and to demand action.
OpenRoad is your new public policy advocacy website
Turo is rooted in these same democratic themes – rewarding innovative people who, regardless of background, income level, or skin color, are empowered by ingenuity and hard work. We celebrate our strong-willed and vocal community of customers and want to help YOUR voices be heard by your elected government.
Today we are thrilled to announce the launch of OpenRoad, Turo’s advocacy website, and ask that you take a moment to sign up. We will keep you abreast of our work with government officials around the world and even ask you to help us with campaigns to inform and educate our representatives. We may also ask you to assist us in advocating for public policy issues that keep Turo competitive, innovative, and continuing to offer you the best opportunities to maximize the value of your car, or find incredible deals on car rentals.
Please sign up here then click on “Take Action” to join OpenRoad. When you do, you’ll join our forefathers and millions of other Americans who over 240 years have exercised their precious right to be heard.