Megan Natt

by Megan Natt

posted on December 8, 2017

Turo makes its debut on the small screen

You might have seen your favorite car sharing company grace the small screen recently — starting in mid-November, Turo launched its first-ever television commercial! We’re thrilled to get our brand and our amazing community in front of more people and to tell the Turo story on a large scale.

Hosts may have noticed a spike in traffic and requests over the last several weeks as we boost our brand awareness in anticipation of the holiday season, and travelers across the country are now hip to the not-so-secret car sharing trend that’s taking the industry by storm.

The commercial is currently running in the US on several cable networks, including Velocity, CNBC, TBS, and ESPN News Network, and it will continue to run through the holidays.

Keep an eye peeled to see it live in the wild, and please don’t hesitate to share it with friends, family, and your social networks to help spread the word!

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