Andre Haddad

by Andre Haddad

posted on May 15, 2013

Innovation, by its nature, doesn’t always fit within existing structures. Although we’ve been careful to ensure the protections offered to our community comply with legal frameworks around the country, we learned in conversations with the New York Department of Financial Services that it believes there is noncompliance with certain unique aspects of New York insurance law.

We are actively working with the Department to address these concerns. While we’re cooperating with the Department on these changes, we’ll be suspending activities that it considers noncompliant.

Until further notice, travelers will no longer be able to book trips with New York vehicles. Likewise, owners with vehicles listed in New York will no longer be available.

We remain committed to the democratization of car sharing, and our mission to put the world’s one billion cars to better use.

Andre Haddad
CEO, Turo

Andre Haddad

Andre Haddad

Andre is the Turo CEO and a true car enthusiast. After many years in the consumer web space, he combines his passion for cars, technology, and the environment each day at Turo as he works to put the world’s one billion cars to better use.

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